We deliver customer specified quality solutions covering convenience kits and procedure packs as well as medical devices.
Being independent means Eyesupply will source the combination of components that best fit your needs.
We source a wide range of medical devices including:
- knives;
- manipulators;
- forceps;
- cannulae;
- drapes;
- BSS;
- ophthalmic sutures;
- and/or consumables, including gloves and gowns.
Procedure Packs
Procedure packs deliver the convenience of all the components needed for a procedure in one single, sterile pack. This helps surgical teams work more efficiently, freeing up time to focus on delivering quality healthcare.
Our standard procedure packs include those for:
- Cataract;
- CLE;
- Lasik;
- IVT;
and all are customisable to your needs.